Episode 41: Feeling Your Feelings: An Intimate Exploration of Emotions
Our experience of emotion is something we generally take for granted. Afterall, feelings just tend to happen and we don’t often give them much thought or effort. But maybe we should. Emotions and our relationships with them can actually be really complex, and by exploring them more fully we gain a much richer understanding of ourselves and our experience of the world.
Episode 40: Life is Good as a Goblin Girl: And Other Alternatives to the #HotGirlSummer
We’re in the sweltering stretch of summer and you know what that means... It’s #hotgirlsummer time. Or is it? There’s plenty enough room for all of us, whether you’re a hot girl, a goblin girl, or something else entirely. As they say: You do you, Boo.
Episode 39: Fears and Phobias: Maybe It’s Not All Just in Your Head
Join us as we destigmatize some commons fears and phobias and seek to understand why we feel fear; how to determine if we’re being irrational; and what to do about it when our fear gets the better of us.
Episode 38: Retro '90s Cartoons! The Lessons They Taught Us About Mental Health, Relationships, & Life
Buckle up because we’re going retro! Some of the first important lessons we learn as children come from the kinds of media we’re exposed to. Join us as we explore the life lessons we learned from some of the most iconic 90s cartoons, and how our perspectives of them shifted once we grew up.
Episode 37: Autism vs ADHD: Being Different, Differently
What does a day in the life of a neurodivergent person look like? Well, that depends. We are a large community with a vast set of eccentricities, challenges, and gifts but even with all this diversity we also share many things in common. Join us as we discuss and compare notes on how autism and ADHD influence our lives, motivations, routines, and relationships.
Episode 36: Victim Mentality: The Anti-Hero of Trauma Recovery
Victimhood is loaded with complicated, uneasy feelings and it’s kind of expected that we should jump straight from being traumatized to being a resilient survivor and the hero of our own story. But does a superhero themed bandage actually heal our wounds? Join us as we take a more neutral and destigmatizing look at victim mentality.
Episode 35: Anxiety Coping Skills A-Z: A Real Life Rate and Review
Join us as we explore the anxiety ABCs to give you a real-life review of some coping mechanisms, tools, and skills that are commonly used or recommended.
Episode 34: Self-Discovery Playlist: A Musical Guide to Finding Yourself After Childhood Trauma and/or Neurodivergent Masking
One of the biggest challenges that comes with experiencing childhood trauma or being neurodivergent is that we often don’t get the opportunity to discover our identity until we are adults. Once we reach adulthood we often have the freedom, safety, and autonomy to finally find ourselves but doing so is a daunting prospect. Join us as we discuss the highs and lows of this self-discovery journey and how music can help us define ourselves.
Episode 33: Neurodivergent Easter Eggs: Exploring the Gifts of Being Different
The winter is melting away and with spring finally here we feel revived, refreshed, and ready for some goodies and games with our loved ones. Nothing illustrates these ideas better than Easter baskets and Easter egg hunts, so join us as we take an allegorical journey to discover the wonderful things that come with being neurodivergent.
Episode 32: 20 Dick Moves We All Do
Our desire to be good people makes us want to believe that we can and should be immune to “bad” feelings like frustration, pettiness, selfishness, and envy but we forget that everyone else feels these emotions sometimes too. Join us as we call ourselves out and discuss some of the common dick moves we all share.
Episode 31: Neurodivergent RPG: Symptoms or Superpowers?
In this episode, we ask the question: What would happen if we stopped masking and instead embraced our neurodivergent traits in everyday interactions? Join us in our chaotic and hilarious attempt to forge bonds, burn bridges, and discover whether neurodivergent traits are symptoms or superpowers.
Episode 30: Let Me Tell You: Communicating Mental Health Needs in Your Relationship
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re exploring how to understand yourself and your partner better and how to communicate your mental health needs and get on the same page with your significant other.
Episode 29: Green Flags: A Musical Exploration of Healthy Relationships
Love can be wonderful but many of the catchy songs we find ourselves singing along to set the bar for relationships very low and are often toxic. If we absorb these narratives we may be misled into ignoring and potentially glorifying red flags. Today, we’re exploring the concept of love through songs that tell a different story, one that lines the path ahead with green flags to guide our way.
Episode 28: Good Grief!: Grappling with Loss and Death
Grief isn’t caused solely by death. Grief can be triggered by any important loss we experience: loss of a job, loss of a relationship, or even the losses of innocence, ideals, and potential that so often accompany trauma. Join us as we take a deep dive into grief and loss.
Episode 27: New Year, Same You
In this episode, we’re discussing the social pressures that confront us at the start of each new year and exploring how to: determine if you really want or need to make changes; decide if the timing is even right for change; and create a plan that will help you make desired changes without burning out in the process.
Episode 26: Winter Whispers: Finding Hope in the Darkness
The holiday festivities offer a brief, brilliant flash of distraction from the harsher aspects of the season; but when the winter wonderland fades into a stark landscape of short, cold, dreary days it can be hard to find a spark of hope and warmth in our lives. Join us, as we discuss what winter has to teach us and explore what hope actually is and how to find it, even on our darkest days.
Episode 25: Boundary Setting Basics
While boundary setting is always important, that’s especially true this time of year when the pressure is on to play nice, play along, and put our own needs on the back burner. In this episode, we discuss some boundary setting basics to help you break out of people-pleasing tendencies, cope with difficult individuals, push back against the pressure, and say no when you need to.
Episode 24: Turning the Tables on Holiday Traditions: A Holiday Season Survival Guide
Uh oh. The holidays are already upon us again. Tis the season, so they say, and while many people are giddy with excitement, some of us enter the holiday season with feelings of trepidation, anxiety, and grief. In this episode, we’re exploring how we can turn the tables on holiday traditions, push back against the pressures, find a little more joy and peace for ourselves, and generally just survive the season with our sanity intact.
Episode 23: The Echoes of Childhood Trauma in Our Adult Lives
Childhood trauma imprints on us like nothing else can. Our minds and bodies hold onto those memories for decades, expressing them again and again in ways both subliminal and overt. In this episode, we’re exploring all the ways in which childhood trauma can echo into your adult life; as well as how to recognize the impact on our lives, to understand why these patterns repeat, and to begin mitigating the damage it causes.
Episode 22: Jekyll & Hyde: The Duality of the Social Masks We Wear
It’s that time again, to dress up as ghosts, ghoulies, and whatever else floats our happy little spooky boats. But what about the masks we wear every day, the social personas we slip on each morning when we venture out into the world? In this episode, we’re talking about the duality of the roles we play and the masks we wear, because if we’re really honest with ourselves, there’s a little bit of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in us all.