Episode 21: Lesser Known Truths About Trauma Recovery
There’s a lot of information out there about trauma recovery; some is valuable and honestly, some is clichéd and irrelevant nonsense. It can be a challenge to discern the truth from the myths, especially early on in your healing journey. Today, we’re discussing some of the lesser known and lesser heard truths, both hard and hopeful, about trauma recovery that we’ve learned during our own recovery journeys.
Episode 20: Mental Health Support 101: When and How to Provide Support to the People in Your Life
How can you support someone who is struggling with their mental health, trauma recovery, or neurodivergence? This episode is loaded with tons of helpful resources, some clinical perspectives, and plenty of lived experience advice to help you bridge the gap between you and your loved ones.
Episode 19: My Brain Made Me Do It: Everyday Compulsions We All Have
Admit it. You have compulsions. Every human alive has some kind of compulsive thoughts, urges, and behaviors. Who knows, maybe ghosts do too. Join us for a hysterically funny exploration of the many everyday compulsions that are a universal part of the human experience.
Episode 18: Damaged Goods: Trauma’s Negative Impact on Self-Esteem and How to Flip the Script
Let's face it. Trauma is complex. It hits us where it hurts, the wounds are deep, and the scars often leave us feeling flawed. Today, we're discussing some of the ways trauma can negatively impact our self-esteem and sense of identity, but more importantly we'll also be diving deep into how we can change the narrative to take back our power.
Episode 17: Body Image Issues: Why We Have Them and How to Shift Our Perspective
We’re fed messages about the connection between beauty, health, popularity, love, and success. Some of these messages are insidiously subliminal while others are painfully overt. We’ve all felt the pressure to submit to these rules and felt insecure when we’ve found ourselves falling short of the beauty ideal. In this episode we explore the origins and perpetuation of beauty standards and discuss ways that we can break out of the cycle and love ourselves a little more.
Episode 16: 6th Sense or Mental Illness? Exploring the Intersection of Paranormal Experience and Mental Illness
Summer has been taking us for a crazy ride on this heat wave and we're ready to feel a chill in the air and down our spines. Gather around the campfire and we'll tell you some of our own scary stories and talk about the overlap between supernatural experiences, trauma, and mental health. Is what we've experienced real or are you just sitting at this campfire with a couple of crazy people?
Episode 15: A Neurodivergent Guide to Making Friends When You Suck at Socialization
So how do you make friends when your neurodivergent brain has difficulty navigating complex social scripts? To be honest, we're not entirely sure either but in this episode we're combining our observations with some seemingly basic logic and our own personal experiences to make a hopefully helpful guide to forming friendships.
Episode 14: Coping with Depression
Today, we're exploring a variety of coping strategies and treatment options, and not all of them are textbook. We've both lived alongside depression for most of our lives and if we've learned anything it's that each person's relationship with depression is unique; coping strategies are not one-size-fits-all; and humor can go a long way toward healing.
Episode 13: Depression: An Exploration of Lived Experience
Depression is one of the most common mental health struggles that people experience. For some, it is a temporary response to a specific trauma or loss. For others, the battle with depression comes in waves, seldom has a triggering event, and will last a lifetime. Today, we're talking about what it's like to live with depression, getting into the gritty details of how it impacts your health, your relationships, and your life.
Episode 12: A Walk Down Memory Lanes: Differences in Memory in a Dysfunctional Home
Today, we're talking about the convoluted connection between reality and personal experience. Join us as we blind-record our individual accounts of a single traumatic event in our childhood and then discuss the contradictions in our stories, as well as how our subjective experiences have shaped the adults we are now.
Episode 11: 10 Things We Hate Hearing as Neurodivergent Adults
This time, we hope you'll listen in for a more light-hearted and humorous discussion about what gets under our skin to hear as neurodivergent adults living in a "normative" world. And please, join our chorus of angry laughter and take a jab at society too by telling us what things you hear that annoy the heck out of you as a neurodivergent person.
Episode 10: 10 Things We Hated Hearing While Growing Up in a Dysfunctional Home
If you grew up in a dysfunctional family and traumatic home we're guessing there were a few things you really hated being told as a kid. Today, we're discussing some of the frustrating and infuriating messages we heard while growing up, both from within and from outside our family. What phrases did you hear that got under your skin?
Episode 9: Reduced Functioning (Part 2): Making the Most of the Fucks You Have
Today, we're talking about how you can begin to budget your f*cks or spoons or pies or whatever you choose to call those limited resources. Laugh with us as we share our own struggles and victories with f*ck budgeting; and gather some shiny, new budgeting tools to add to your own toolbelt too.
Episode 8: Reduced Functioning (Part 1): When You Don’t Have Enough F*cks
This time we're talking about the difference between "I don't give a f*ck." and "I can't give a f*ck." When you have mental health struggles, a trauma background, or are neurodivergent there is a distinction between the two. In this episode, we're covering a few examples of how ingrained societal pressures and differences in the way our minds work can influence us and challenge out ability to budget our limited number of f*cks.
Episode 7: Coping with Social Anxiety: Just Talk About Poop
Come listen in as we discuss all the rational and ridiculous ways we can live...mostly peaceably, with our social anxiety.
Episode 6: Social Anxiety, Spy Speaking, & Small Talk
Come listen in as we discuss all the rational and ridiculous ways we can live...mostly peaceably, with our social anxiety.
Episode 5: Antihero Coping Skills: How to be a Functional Badass Even When You Can’t Afford a Batmobile
This time around we're talking about the antiheroes of the psyche. These are the double-edged swords of coping skills and mechanisms that we all use to help us survive. Join us as we explore the antihero in us all.
Episode 4: Compatibility in Relationships, The Importance of Matching and Complementary Baggage
Today we're talking all about baggage! We've all got some! We all bring it into our relationships! That's why it's so important, when we're looking for love, to find someone who has baggage that fits well with our own. What does that look like? Let's figure it out together.
Bonus Episode: The Myth of Happily Ever After: You’re More Likely to Find a Partner Peeing in the Woods Than Singing in the Woods
Happy Valentine's Day! Or Not! You'll get no judgement from us either way. We all know this is a commercial holiday so embrace it by grabbing yourself some chocolates, flowers, wine, or whatever else strikes your fancy; and join us as we break down and bust some myths about love and relationships.
Mental Health Check-In
We’ve all heard this term, but what does it actually mean? In this episode, we discuss what a mental health check-in is, from a holistic perspective, and we talk about how to do one for yourself. Hint: It’s not just all in your head.