Episode 14: Coping with Depression

Last time, we discussed what it's like when depression takes up residence in your head, but how can you actually deal with this frustrating, unwanted roommate? Today, we're exploring a variety of coping strategies and treatment options, and not all of them are textbook. We've both lived alongside depression for most of our lives and if we've learned anything it's that each person's relationship with depression is unique; coping strategies are not one-size-fits-all; and humor can go a long way toward healing. To see our resources for this and all our other episodes visit https://www.differentfunctional.com/podcast-resources If you're enjoying the podcast and would like to support us please like, rate, review, subscribe, and spread the word. You can also support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/differentfunctional?fan_landing=true


Episode 15: A Neurodivergent Guide to Making Friends When You Suck at Socialization


Episode 13: Depression: An Exploration of Lived Experience