Episode 15: A Neurodivergent Guide to Making Friends When You Suck at Socialization

You ever try making friends? If you're anything like us then it's surprisingly hard. When we're kids we just ask some other random kid at the playground if they want to be our friend, but then we get older and all of a sudden it becomes complicated. The are different rules, processes, and rituals that are involved in friendship as adults. So how do you make friends when your neurodivergent brain has difficulty navigating these complex social scripts? To be honest, we're not entirely sure either but in this episode we're combining our observations with some seemingly basic logic and our own personal experiences to make a hopefully helpful guide to forming friendships. If you're enjoying the podcast please subscribe, rate, review, and spread the word about us.


Episode 16: 6th Sense or Mental Illness? Exploring the Intersection of Paranormal Experience and Mental Illness


Episode 14: Coping with Depression