Episode 13: Depression: An Exploration of Lived Experience

Depression is one of the most common mental health struggles that people experience. For some, it is a temporary response to a specific trauma or loss. For others, the battle with depression comes in waves, seldom has a triggering event, and will last a lifetime. Today, we're talking about what it's like to live with depression, getting into the gritty details of how it impacts your health, your relationships, and your life. If you've struggled with depression, we hope that hearing our experiences will help you feel less alone. Even if you've never experienced depression yourself the likelihood is still high that someone close to you is struggling with it right now, and we hope that this episode will help you recognize the signs and understand their internal battle.


Episode 14: Coping with Depression


Episode 12: A Walk Down Memory Lanes: Differences in Memory in a Dysfunctional Home