Episode 11: 10 Things We Hate Hearing as Neurodivergent Adults

Last time we talked about all the things we hated being told while growing up in a dysfunctional family. This time, we hope you'll listen in for a more light-hearted and humorous discussion about what gets under our skin to hear as neurodivergent adults living in a "normative" world. And please, join our chorus of angry laughter and take a jab at society too by telling us what things you hear that annoy the heck out of you as a neurodivergent person. Vent it out to us in the comments below! Also, there's a bonus number 11 for this list that you can find on our Patreon for free by clicking here


Episode 12: A Walk Down Memory Lanes: Differences in Memory in a Dysfunctional Home


Episode 10: 10 Things We Hated Hearing While Growing Up in a Dysfunctional Home