Episode 82: ADHD Tourism: What Post Concussive Syndrome Taught Me About ADHD
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to visit the mind of someone with ADHD? Well, now you can! But we don’t recommend actually doing it because taking a tour of the ADHD brain may involve getting a head injury. We would know because as sisters, we apparently feel the need to do everything together, so we went and got matching brain injuries only a few months apart. While the research on the topic is still in largely in its infancy, there is a notable correlation between the symptoms of ADHD and those of traumatic brain injuries. For one of us, the brain injury significantly amplified pre-existing ADHD symptoms but for the other sister, who was only familiar with an autistic landscape, post-concussive syndrome left her a stranger in a mighty strange land. Join us as we discuss our experiences with post-concussive syndrome and everything it taught us about ADHD symptomology.