Episode 78: Winging It: The Truth About Adulting

Here we are, yet again, at the start of another year. If you’re anything like us, 2024 must have put you through the wringer too. We’re ready to put last year behind us, but we’re also giving 2025 that wary, suspicious side-eye until it proves it can play nicer and be more reasonable than its predecessor. So instead of revisiting the usual new year celebratory rituals and plans, we’re sitting down for a humorously serious conversation about how challenging it is sometimes to just…adult.

Join us as we discuss how the heck anyone is supposed to take care of their body, clean their house, find a good mechanic, and file paperwork even at the best of times. Even without life’s curveballs, adulting is already kinda confusing and often really f***ing annoying, and the truth is none of us really know what we’re doing. Even when we think we know we usually end up finding out that we were wrong somehow. In reality, most of us are really just out here…winging it.

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79: Focus on Your Feet: Finding Strength to Move Forward


Episode 77: Gift Giving 101: Gift Giving Tips for Neurodivergent People