Episode 28: Good Grief!: Grappling with Loss and Death

If you’ve ever experienced a significant loss, you know that grief can’t be defined by a few simple words and grieving is not a linear, step-by-step process. It’s messy and complicated. It ebbs and flows. At times it floods in, threatening to drown us, at other times we find ourselves floating peacefully in our nostalgia, and sometimes it leaves us cold and numb in uncharted territory.
Image from Beth Erlander
The 5 Stages of Grief
We didn’t focus on the stages of grief in this episode, but you can click here if you’d like to see a breakdown of the traditional stages of grief as outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler.
Is Grief a Disease?
Click here to read this paper by George L. Engel, M.D., it’s an interesting exploration into the idea that grief could have pathological implications
Jayne Mattingly
This resource is specifically for those coping with body grief. Jayne is an amazing resource for eating disorder recovery and for those struggling to come to peace with physical disabilities in a world that can be very ableist. Click here for more information.