Episode 20: Mental Health 101: When and How to Provide Support to the People in Your Life

Mental Health First Aid
Classes that provide information on how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use issues.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
A nationwide peer-support service that provides information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
A resource for those who need free, professional guidance concerning workplace disability accommodations
A comprehensive source of information for people looking for help meeting basic needs like housing, food, transportation, and healthcare
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Provides treatment referral and information service for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance abuse disorders.
Open Path Collective
This is a collective of psychotherapists who offer services for between $30-$60 for individuals or $30-$80 for couples and families
Better Help
A membership based service with access to weekly online counseling for between $60-$80 per week.
Coaching Into Care
A helpline that offers assistance and advice to friends and loved one of veterans who are struggling with mental health challenges but may be reluctant to seek treatment.
Warm Lines
Helplines for people who are struggling with their mental health and want to talk to someone, but are not actively in crisis. The link below offers a list of warm lines in each state.
Support Groups
The link below will take to you to a list created by Mental Health America with a diverse list of support groups.
For an additional list of helplines you can visit our Crisis and Mental Health Resources page.
If you need guidance on how to get a conversation started with your loved one about their mental health, see our blog Talking About Other's Mental Health. Our bi-monthly blog also has entries on a wide variety of mental health related topics if you’re wanting to start expanding your scope of mental health awareness and understanding.
In the episode, we discussed the challenges often experienced by people when they begin therapy. It can be hard to watch them struggle during this time, especially if it seems as though things are getting worse, but it is important to trust your loved one’s mental health care provider and not to undermine your loved one’s therapeutic process. That being said, if you are genuinely concerned that the therapy is ineffective or even damaging here are a couple of articles to help you gauge whether or not your worry is well-founded.
Here is an excellent article from NAMI about how to tell if therapy is actually effective.
This is an article from Psychology Today about red flags to look out for in a mental health practitioner.