Episode 18: Damaged Goods: Trauma’s Negative Impact on Self-Esteem and How to Flip the Script

We have several blog posts that are great companions to this episode.
Check out our three part series on The Biological Basis of Trauma where we explore how trauma impacts our brain and influences our development from childhood and into adulthood.
We also mentioned in this episode our two part series on Why It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better, which explores the inevitably painful process of healing from trauma.
While this previous episode does not have trauma specific themes it does still focus on self-esteem, just through the lens of body image. In particular, we discuss how to change your internal vocabulary and monologue and how to advocate for yourself, as well as many other self-esteem game changers that are equally valuable in reclaiming your power after trauma.

Laugh a Little!
Obviously trauma isn’t funny but laughter does heal, and the work of healing becomes a little easier when we can find the humor in it.
In the episode, we shared an anecdote about how this scene from Robin Hood: Men in Tights made us realize that we were so used to trauma healing work that we had started looking for problems where they didn’t exist and overreacting to the issues that did.
Letting Love In
Autumn referenced this beautiful song by Maren Morris about embracing the love of people who see the real you, through your trauma.