The "Grandma Bus" Prize

The "Grandma Bus" Prize

Current Contest

Podcast Episode Topic Ideas

Submission Deadline: Saturday, October 15, 2022.

Winner Selection: Wednesday, October 31st

Grandma Bus Prize Winners

Date Winner Contest

10/31 TBA Podcast Episode Topic

As children, we spent a lot of time with our maternal grandma and other women her age. Sweet, kind-hearted souls who had grown up in The Great Depression and lived through WWII. Women who were thrifty enough to hold onto things for a rainy day and wise enough to know how valuable a well-timed gift can be.

They wanted very much to be kind, generous, and helpful even while living within the strict confines of a fixed income. This meant their gifts were often things they’d rifle through their own cabinets and closets to find; random little items they had treasured or hoarded for years, just waiting for the right time and the right person to give them to.

The gifts could be anything: rocks with cats painted on them, size 24 women’s briefs, small dolls, doilies, costume jewelry, and always the ubiquitous hard candies (an extra, and often stale little treat).

Here at Different Functional we are carrying on this sacred tradition with our very own Grandma Bus gifts in the form of prizes.

Winners of our contests will receive a random, hoarded, mystery object pulled forth from the dusty corners of our closets, cabinets, and dressers. The gifts might be really useful or they they could be expired and dusty. That’s the mystery and joy of the gift, and either way, there’s candy!